Manifestations scientifiques Workshop

Learn in Lille Workshop Series (LLWS) Call for Papers 

1st Edition on “Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance: Achievements, Challenges & Perspectives”


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Organizing Committee

Amal AOUADI, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Karima BOUAISS, Université de Lille, France

Éric SÉVERIN, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Practical details

Deadline for submission: February 24th, 2023

Notification of final decision: March 03th, 2023

Presenting author and/or publication booster registration deadline: March 19th, 2023

Venue: IAE Lille University School of Management 104, Avenue du Peuple Belge 59000 Lille

Background and Scope

For its first edition, Learn in Lille Workshop Series (LLWS) is launching the “Sustainable Finance and Corporate Governance: Achievements, Challenges & Perspectives” workshop to be held at the IAE Lille University School of Management on March 23th, 2023.


Challenges of climate change have become one of the most critical problems for society. Now more than ever, firms are constantly receiving calls to align strategy and sustainability. But first and foremost, companies need to address compliance, which often relates to regulations in waste management, pollution, and energy efficiency as well as human rights and labor responsibility.


Naturally, this growing awareness has implications for financial markets and the way firms are managed. For instance, companies with stronger corporate governance mechanisms will more likely guarantee transparency and ethics, while companies with weak mechanisms may receive greater pressure from stakeholders due to opportunistic managers who can strategically exploit sustainable issues and information for their personal benefit.


Sustainable finance and corporate governance continue to be lively subjects for debate. This one-day workshop is providing a platform for researchers with diverse backgrounds to connect and exchange their ideas. Particularly, we aim to provide a valuable platform for presenting original research findings as well as discussing challenging issues in climate finance, greenwashing, circular economy, renewable energy etc. These issues are discussed alongside the concerns of corporate governance mechanisms, gender diversity, CEO remuneration, femwashing, stakeholders’ pressure, shareholder activism and so on.


We are pleased to invite you to take part of this event which aims to contribute to the current body of research with high-quality articles by identifying strengths and shortcomings in current knowledge and presenting a future research agenda that identifies relevant gaps. Papers can address various fields of interest, including, among others:


  • Corporate governance;
  • Agency theory;
  • Institutional theory;
  • Board of Directors;
  • Board gender diversity;
  • Femwashing;
  • Green finance;
  • Sustainable development;
  • Sustainable disclosure and greenwashing;
  • Environment, Social, and Governance performance;
  • Investment Sustainable Principles;
  • Sustainability reporting;
  • Carbon footprints of cryptocurrencies and digital finance;
  • Socially responsible investing;
  • Climate financing.



General Program

The program of this workshop will consist of competitive paper sessions and a “publication booster” session. Papers on all areas of social science dealing with sustainable finance, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance across the different regions of the world will be considered. Papers can be theoretical and/or empirical. Policy-oriented papers are particularly welcome.


The “publication booster” session will be led by our keynote speaker Professor Tom Vanacker (Ghent University, Belgium). The main goal is to help the participants to improve their writing skills and learn how to respond to reviewers and develop collaborations. Thus, they would be able to aim for top-tier scholarly business journals.


Overall, the entire program of this workshop will provide an opportunity for presentations and discussions in an informal and highly interactive environment.


Submission Process

Interested contributors for parallel sessions should submit full papers or extended abstracts of 700 words (in either French or English and in PDF format) by email to: workshop- lil@iaelille.fr


Interested participants in the “publication boostersession should submit full papers (English only in PDF format) by email to: workshop-lil[chez]iaelille[point].fr


Each proposal should include the following information: title, name(s) of the authors, abstract, keywords, JEL classification, E-mail address for each author, complete address for the corresponding author.



Registration fees


Parallel sessions’ registration is free but mandatory.


Registration fees for the “Publication Booster” session: 50€ for doctoral students

80€ for academics


Link for registration: TBA


Please check for updates via this link

Please direct any queries about the event to: workshop-lil[chez]iaelille[point].fr




This event is co-sponsored by the Lille University Management Lab (Lumen ULR 4999) and the “Gouvernance et Régulation de l’Activité Financière” (GRAF) research axis.


Scientific Committee

Aymen ABBADI, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Pascal ALPHONSE, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Amal AOUADI, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Mohamed AROURI, Université Côte d'Azur Nice, France

Nicolas AUBERT, IAE Aix-Marseille, France

Karima BOUAISS, Université de Lille, France

Selma BOUSSETTA, Bordeaux School of Economics, France

Xavier BREDART, Université de Mons, Belgium

Marion DUPIRE, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Elias ERRAGRAGUI, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France

Jean-Yves FILBIEN, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Pascal GRANDIN, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Xavier HOLLANDTS, KEDGE Business School, France

Lin MA, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Jérôme MAATI, Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, France

Sylvain MARSAT, IAE Clermont Auvergne, France

Guillaume PIJOURLET, IAE Clermont Auvergne, France

Éric SÉVERIN, IAE Lille University School of Management, France

Tom VANACKER, Ghent University, Belgium

Olivier-David ZERBIB, EDHEC Business School, France

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